[RHEL 공통] SysVinit vs Systemd
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[RHEL 공통] SysVinit vs Systemd

by 찬찬이 아빠 2019. 12. 9.
  1. 서비스 관련 명령어


설명 SysVinit Systemd
Start a service service dummy start systemctl start dummy.service
Stop a service service dummy stop systemctl stop dummy.service
Restart a service service dummy restart systemctl restart dummy.service
Reload a service service dummy reload systemctl reload dummy.service
Service status service dummy status systemctl status dummy.service
Restart a service if already running service dummy condrestart systemctl condrestart dummy.service
Enable service at startup chkconfig dummy on systemctl enable dumm.service
Disable service at startup chkconfig dummy off systemctl disable dummy.service
Check if a service is enabled at startup chkconfig dummy systemctl is-enabled dummy.service
Create a new service file or modify configuration chkconfig dummy --add systemctl daemon-reload



  2. Run Level 관련 명령어


설명 SysVinit Systemd
System halt 0 runlevel0.target, poweroff.target
Single user mode 1, s, single runlevel1.target, rescue.target
Multi user 2 runlevel2.target, multi-user.target
Multi user with Network 3 runleve3.target, multi-user.target
Experimental 4 runleve4.target, multi-user.target
Multi user, with network, graphical mode 5 runlevel5.target, graphical.target
reboot 6 runlevel6.target, reboot.target
Emergency Shell emergency emergency.target
Change to multi user runlevel/target telinit 3 systemctl isolate multi-user.target
systemctl isolate runlevel3.target
Check current runlevel runlevel systemctl get-default
Set multi-user target on next boot sed s/^id:.*:initdefault:/id:3:initdefault:/ systemctl set-default multi-user.target



  3. 기타 명령어


설명 SysVinit Systemd
Systen halt halt systemctl halt
Power off the system poweroff systemctl poweroff
Restart the system reboot systemctl reboot
Suspend the system pm-suspend systemctl suspend
Hibernate pm-hibernate systemctl hibernate
Follow the system log file

tail -f /var/log/messages

tail -f /var/log/syslog

journalctl -f



  4. systemd 새로운 명령어


설명 명령어
Execute a systemd command on remote host systemctl dummy.service start -H user@host
Check boot time


systemd-analyze time

Kill all processes related to a service systemctl kill dummy
Get log for events for today journalctl --since=today
Hostname and other host related information hostnamectl
Date and time of system with timezone and other information timedatectl



출처 : http://linoxide.com/linux-command/linux-systemd-commands 

